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Appellate Unit

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Appellate Unit

Our Appellate Unit practices before the state and federal appellate courts. The issues on appeal can be quite technical and span the broad spectrum of criminal law, from constitutional issues, evidential issues, jury instructions, and federal habeas corpus claims which examine the entire state criminal process for constitutional soundness, to a host of other issues.

Our appellate lawyers not only draft and prepare briefs on behalf of the State of New Jersey, but appear at appellate oral argument which involves questioning by panels of appellate judges. Our appellate lawyers also appear in the trial courts on motions or hearings on select issues.

Because appellate courts often decide questions of law binding upon the entire legal community and citizenry within a jurisdiction, our practitioners are required to remain current on trends and important topics of the law. They maintain an efficient and current research database to this end and may advise other sections of the office when appropriate.