Anonymous Crime Tip Form

Case Screening Unit

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h2>Case Screening Unit

The function of the Case Screening Unit is to review all complaints transferred to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office for prosecution.

Two Assistant Prosecutors and two Detectives staff the unit. The complaint, affidavit (when applicable) and police reports (if sent with the complaints) are initially reviewed in order to determine if it should be assigned to a particular section of the Office, remanded to municipal court or administratively dismissed.

Most times a screening decision cannot be made until the victim is contacted and or the police reports are received. Detectives assigned to the screening unit contact all victims of domestic violence, in cases not immediately transferred to another section of the office.

The Detectives also obtain police reports and work with the Assistant Prosecutors in order to obtain sufficient information to make a decision on whether the office will prosecute the charges.

Once the Assistant Prosecutor has obtained the necessary information the case is then remanded to municipal court, administratively dismissed or sent to a unit in the Prosecutor’s Office for prosecution.